You plan to develop climate and energy strategies with short and long-term goals in your organization?

Contact us

Climate Change & Decarbonization

We guide global companies to prepare for a decarbonized and carbon-neutral future by assessing their current ESG impacts, setting Science-Based Targets, and engaging effectively with key stakeholders. We strategize with a focus on natural resource management, circular economy, and reporting frameworks and guidelines. As climate change, ESG investments and public awareness grows, decarbonization strategies have become critical for businesses to pursue to create a more sustainable future.

Carbon Neutrality

Services include:

  • Develop climate and energy strategies with short and long-term goals
  • Science-based targets (SBTi)
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) support
  • Low carbon transition plans
  • Carbon Quantification/Carbon footprint
  • Survey of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

Our Strategy & Steps to Carbon Neutrality

1. Calculate

Determine the scope of business footprint by identifying the different sources of greenhouse gas emissions produced by business

2. Mitigate

Prioritize and implement a series of simple and innovative measures that will help businesses reduce carbon footprint.


Compensate for the remaining carbon footprint by investing in carbon-offset projects (native trees plantation, carbon sequestration, pond with bacteria).

4. Communicate

Communication to inform and inspire stakeholders and competitors.

Environmental Studies

We offer an integrated approach that covers all aspects of environmental and social impact assessment. ETLCO has a team of highly qualified and experienced environmental engineers and consultants to offer the following Services.

  • Baseline and feasibility studies
  • Screening and scoping reports
  • Environmental appraisal and audit
  • Ecological studies
  • Air and noise pollution control
  • Socio-economic impact evaluation
  • Environmental and Social Management Frameworks

  • Environmental and Social management plans

  • Environmental impact ; assessment and preparation of management plans

Key Results

  • Better understanding of current effects the company has on climate
  • A clear path to a more sustainable and carbon neutral future with achievable short-term goals

  • Recommendations on how to decrease carbon use within an organization including carbon offsets

  • Specific goals set through the Science Based Target Initiative
  • Understanding the impacts of climate change on operations and business development

  • Optimization of investors’ ratings related to ESG criteria