You plan to develop environmental strategies with short and long-term goals in your organization?

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EIA & ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment are MANDATORY requirement for major development projects. At ETLCO, we have extensive experience in the preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management Plan for projects related to Transport infrastructure, urban infrastructure, Tourism, Aviation etc. We offer a comprehensive range of ESIA related services from screening through scoping studies to full impact assessments and mitigation, development, and monitoring management Plan. We offer an integrated approach that covers all aspects of environmental and social impact assessment.

ETLCO has a team of highly qualified and experienced environmental engineers and consultants to offer the following Services.

  • Baseline and feasibility studies
  • Screening and scoping reports
  • Environmental appraisal and audit
  • Ecological studies
  • Air and noise pollution control
  • Socio-economic impact evaluation

  • Environmental and Social
  • Management Frameworks
  • Environmental and Social
  • Management Plans
  • Environmental impact assessment and preparation of management plans


1. Project Inception

We can provide environmental support to feasibility studies and early masterplanning, including constraints mapping and preliminary EIA advice

2. Early Scheme Design

We can support and advise on environmental constraints and opportunities for initial scheme design

3. Right People, Right Skills

One size does not fit all We put together bespoke teams of environmental specialists that are right for your project and requirements

4. Iterative Design & Environmental Assessment

We can provide environmental support to feasibility studies and early masterplanning, including constraints mapping and preliminary EIA advice

5. Planning & Consent

Our aim is to help you achieve a successful outcome for your project. Our team delivers high quality Environmental Statements to support planning applications and can support throughout the determination process and post consent.

6. Site Selection

We can develop key site selection criteria and using GIS tools, undertake analysis of multiple sites to compare suitability for the proposed development.

7. EIA Screening

For smaller projects that do not require mandatory EIA, we can undertake screening using our innovative TESA system to identify likely significant effects and determine whether an EIA is required.

8. EIA Scoping

Once the need for EIA is established we work with you, topic specialists and key stakeholders to define the scope of the EIA, ensuring it is focused, proportionate and supported by evidence.